PeerZone | Peer-led Mental Health Workshops, Consultancy, and Online Tools

Workshops and Resources

Wellbeing For Men

This workshop begins with a discussion on a fictional man called Sam. What is life like for him when he has both a scarcity and abundance of hope, male power and energy, determination to choose and citizenship as a male. Participants then consider how life is for them according to these four themes. We then consider how our communication affects these themes for us. The group then discusses how our culture and the messages we have received through our lifespan have affected our experience of the four themes. Participants discuss a male figure they admire and why. The workshop returns to where we are now in relation to the four themes and how we can move towards abundance.


  • Hope for our future and the determination to choose.
  • Use of our male power and energy.
  • Citizenship as males.