PeerZone | Peer-led Mental Health Workshops, Consultancy, and Online Tools

Why PeerZone?

Leverage the Power of Lived Experience

The PeerZone employees, coordinators and associates use their lived experience of mental distress or addiction to inform their work and change the world.

Lived expertise

There are two types of expertise in this world. One type comes from theories and observation that leads to methods for solving other people’s problems. The other type comes from lived experience and reflection that leads to methods to solve our own problems.

Using our expertise to benefit others

PeerZone combines these two types of expertise. We used our lived experience to lead our own recoveries; now we’re adding the evidence from stories, formal research and evaluation to create programs and consultancy for the benefit of others.
People all around the Globe are calling on PeerZone’s products and consultancy. Have a chat with us.