PeerZone | Peer-led Mental Health Workshops, Consultancy, and Online Tools


About PeerZone Workshops

Shared learning for wellbeing

The Workshops

PeerZone Workshops are a series of up to 20 three-hour peer-led workshops for people who experience mental distress and addiction. The workshops provide a fun, interactive and safe structure for participants to share their experiences, learn self-management and expand their horizons.
Since 2013 PeerZone has certified over 200 facilitators in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA.
We have a vast store of resources and activities across the 20 workshops:
  • 654 publicly available resources.
  • 218 workshop activities.
  • 47 workshop handouts.

PeerZone also has expanded the resources and workshops to include the Toolkit – for more details visit

The Benefits

PeerZone Workshops adds value to service delivery:
  • It’s an innovation for services that invest in it.
  • It’s a practice tool and support structure for workers who facilitate it.
  • It helps recovery outcomes for service users who participate in it.

PeerZone Workshops is a recovery opportunity for participants:
  • It invites them to rebuild a more positive story of their lives.
  • It offers tools for whole of life wellbeing.
  • It creates a community of mutual support.

How it works

PeerZone facilitators are usually peer workers whose employer pays for a license to provide PeerZone Workshops.
PeerZone runs a four-day training and provides support for peer workers to be PeerZone facilitators, who deliver the workshops to people in their service or community.
Post-training support includes advice as requested, delivery of electronic promotional materials, analysis and feedback of workshop evaluations, improvements to workshops and access to our new mobile friendly website.
The PeerZone facilitator course and support services is not a vocational training in peer support but it enables facilitators to utilize the PeerZone workshops in their work. Facilitators come away with a tangible program and resources that benefit the whole service.

The PeerZone facilitator course and support services is not a vocational training in peer support but it enables facilitators to utilize the PeerZone workshops in their work. Facilitators come away with a tangible program and resources that benefit the whole service.

Facilitators also have full access to the PeerZone Toolkit resources. Have a look at it here at


Our surveys and workshops evaluations have shown
  • 78% of workshop participants have rated them as excellent.
  • 78% of managers say PeerZone Workshops has had a big to moderate positive effect on facilitators.
  • 80% of facilitators say that PeerZone Workshops has had a big to moderate positive effect on participants.

All the workshops are evaluated. We have recently expanded our workshop evaluations to include questions about impact in addition to satisfaction.