PeerZone | Peer-led Mental Health Workshops, Consultancy, and Online Tools

Why PeerZone?

See the evidence

Peer-led services deliver good outcomes – just listen to the stories and read the research.

A growing evidence base

The evidence for peer support and peer-led services is growing more solid every year. Peer services show the same or better outcomes to traditional service delivery. Satisfaction rates are consistently higher and there is not one study where peer support has been shown to do harm.

Save money and improve lives

The evidence demonstrates that people who use peer services experience a range of benefits:

  • Increased hope, self-agency and quality of life.
  • Reduced mental distress and substance use.
  • Reduced use of health services, including hospitals.
  • Better social support and social networks.
  • Better practical outcomes such as employment and housing.
  • Increased ability to communicate with health professionals
PeerZone draws on this evidence base to design our programs and consultancy. We are also contributing to the evidence base through our commitment to customer feedback and formal evaluation.