PeerZone | Peer-led Mental Health Workshops, Consultancy, and Online Tools

Workshops and Resources

Finding and Keeping Work

We brainstorm definitions of work, then explore negative and positive feelings about working. This takes us into an activity where we choose one out of four statements placed around the room, and stand by the one that best fits our feelings about work. We then discuss the barriers to getting work and place them under the themes relating to loss of confidence, loss of motivation and discrimination. We discuss how these themes affect us personally when seeking work. We look at two humorous videos on how to manage job interviews. Participants then discuss and consider quotes on disclosure about mental distress at work and on workplace adjustments. Finally the workshop discusses employers’ responsibilities to employees, including those with mental distress.


  • What work means to us and what assists us to get work.
  • What to tell employers about our distress and recovery.
  • Our rights when looking for work.