PeerZone | Peer-led Mental Health Workshops, Consultancy, and Online Tools

Workshops and Resources

Empowering Ourselves in Alcohol and Other Drugs Services

The workshop begins with a brainstorm on all the different services and supports for people with alcohol and drug issues in the local area and online, followed by a discussion on how good or poor they are and how to find out about them. We move onto an activity that explores the diagnostic labels and some professional terms. This is followed by a discussion on the judgements behind these labels and where they come from – the idea that addiction is a medical, emotional, social or a moral problem? We then discuss the meaning of power and the feelings and interactions that lead us to feeling either empowered or disempowered in services. This is followed by an exercise in which we consider ways we can empower ourselves in services


  • Different alcohol and drug services and supports.
  • The addict label and moral judgments about addiction.
  • Empowering ourselves in services.